
Thursday, March 19, 2009

More fun than I wanted.....

Brace yourselves - two days in a row!!!!

So, Abe loves to fish. Has had some impressive catches the past several months in the small ponds around the golf course. Christmas day he cought a 22" large mouth.

Last night he asked his dad if they could go fishing around the golf course......

The first "Big One" got away - then some old lady came out of her house, "You can't fish here." Blah, Blah, Blah - wanted to tell her to get a life..... so we moved on.

Nate caught the first one, not the biggest that's been caught, but, hey it's a fish and it's fun....

The best/worst one goes to Abe (of course)..... that included a trip to the local E.R. tons of lidocane and an 18gage needle...
Not the best pic (I was lucky to get this one, someone didn't want pics taken)....but you get the idea. FYI the method of choice for removing a hook from from soft squishy parts - numb with lots of lidocane and then run an 18 gage needle down the shaft of the hook to cover the barb and slide it out. If you don't know, 18g needles are HUGE!!! Honestly - wish I didn't have anything to post today!!!

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