
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Do I dare try again.....?

Ok - it's almost been almost TWO YEARS since we last posted anything....and I make no promises that there will be another posting before Christmas 2012!

I did update the blogs main picture.  If nothing else, you can all see our updated family picture.

Hannah started high school this fall, and other than her hatred of math, she appears to be liking it as much as any kid really like school.  The scariest thing going for me right now, that in just a few short months, she will be getting her learners permit!  YIKES!!  Any volunteers for teaching her?  (I say that this is the scariest thing right now, because she has no boyfriend!!)

 She's not taller than me yet! 

Abe started middle school this year.  He enjoys it for the most part, as well.  I think he now no longer lists recess as his favorite time of the day - now that it's "P.E." and you have to 'dress out'.  It makes it more like an actual class and not just free play!

 Oh, I look forward to the days when we get real smiles for pictures again.  Although, as they go, this one isn't too bad!!

Nate is still doing work as a sleep tech (and still hates working nights) and I have transitioned over into the respiratory side of the office (geesh, there isn't much I haven't done in the office now!!)  I currently do Pulmonary Function Tests and work with patients three mornings a week in our Pulmonary Rehab.  I mostly enjoy it (although, I do sometimes gag when big honkin' loogies are involved!!), and neither of us will be sad if (when??) we win the lottery!

Well, there you have it.  A catching up of sorts, however brief.

I do not promise to try harder to keep this updated.  But, maybe a once a month update?

Once a quarter?

Who am I kidding?

See you next Christmas!


  1. That was totally worth it! So great to see everyone. The kids look so much older! Looking forward to seeing you guys soon.

  2. No promises needed! The once a year picture is still a great update. Thanks for posting!!
