
Saturday, August 29, 2009

Blogs, Twitter and now Facebook.....

So first came the "Blog" and I will admit that we are not faithful bloggers - we try - but, oh well there you have it. I was hoping that Nate, now working nights, would kind of 'take over' and blog at least a little (although in his defense - he has been helping train a new tech the past few weeks). So, maybe he will see this and now step up (at least a little).

We both do "Twitter" Nate is 'mastrnater' and I am "zenfrogg' (if you tweet and care to follow)- our updates aren't much - but i do like following some things, currently fans of Big Brother 11 on CBS, and I love getting all the updates from the people that tweet about the live feeds that you can subscribe to - really - 24 feeds - just tweet 140 characters about it to me - and I will be living the life your not......just don't stop tweeting about it please!!

So the newest thing is FACEBOOK - ok - there is a lot going on here. I signed up for it over a year ago - only because a friend had a baby and wanted to see some pics of the cute little guy. And then promptly forgot about it. I would maybe post/ck that page once every four months or so... every now and then would get a random email - "so and so wants to be your friend".....hmmmm I'm having enough trouble keeping up with the blog.... So, Nate did one because, well, I don't know why - but then he started getting requests and so I started looking at mine a little more and actually finding people that I haven't thought about but fleetingly through the years - and found that it's kind of nice to see how they are doing and where they are.... so no promises - but we will see....