
Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Boys of Summer

Well, here are the promised pictures and a video of Abe playing baseball. His team had a pretty good season. They only lost a couple of times and came in second place among the teams in their division. Abe showed himself to be a very good hitter. His hand eye coordination is excellent and he was directly responsible for multiple runs being scored via his batting prowess. Unfortunately the jury is still out on his fielding ability as he was mostly stuck out in right field and with this age of kids not many balls get hit to the outfield. In fact I do not recall one ball coming his way while he was out there. Oh well. He seemed to have a good time playing and it was fun watching - especially as we saw a great deal of progress in the team as a whole through the progression of the season. The first game was a bit painful - mostly for the players as quite a few of them were hit by pitches - but also for the spectators as the majority of runs were scored off of walks (and batters being hit!). However, as the season wore on the pitching got better and the games were much more exciting. So, enjoy the pics! Wish you could have been here!

Friday, May 22, 2009

So, Hollie is usually the one to post but she has been on me to also post and since it has been awhile I figured I would just do it. My intention had been to post pictures of Abe playing baseball but I forgot to bring the memory card to work and I did not want to wait any longer to post as I am sure that everyone is having withdrawals from our exciting blogs! So anyway the pics of Abe will have to wait for another post and everyone who reads this will have to make do with old pics that I have saved on my computer at work. (Its my lunch break so I'm not stealing any time!) I should post pictures of all the rain we are getting, but it would probably be lost on all the New Yorkers who follow this (all two of you anyway) - actually it may only be New Yorkers who follow this. Anyway, it has been raining non-stop here since Monday which is considerable for Florida. We actually have standing water in our back yard and back porch. That is a little disconcerting since we have never had a concern about flooding before now even with some of the tropical storms and hurricanes that have gone through. Might have to start sandbagging - I'll definitely post pictures of that if it happens. It's forcast to continue raining through the weekend so we shall see. Well, I suppose that I have blogged enough for one day so until next time (unless we float away) - Live long and prosper! Enjoy the random pics :) Notice they all have the sun shining in them - ever the optimist!