
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Night Out

Nate's work had their annual gala this past Saturday evening.
This is a big fund raiser for the agency and draws a bunch of people that have a whole lot more money than we do. As an example of this: A gentleman that was there said that the evening before there was a player, Al Harrington, from the NY Knicks at his home (and at the Gala on Saturday). They went to Wal-Mart at 4am to get plates and a football. (Evidently there was another sports person that had hit plates with a football as they were being flung in the air) and Al said that he could hit 4 out of 5. Story went that they couldn't find plates (at Wal-Mart? Really?) so, purchased hubcaps instead. Went to the parking lot and proceeded to make the bet: If Al hit 4/5 hubcaps this guy would donate $100,000 to Kids House - if he did not hit 4/5 hubcaps then ??? would donate $10,000. Oh well, he is NBA not NFL..........There were some other sports figures there - some baseball and basketball 'people' but none that I knew - which in their defence - isn't really saying much.

The theme of the gala is "Field of Dreams" and it a 'creative' black tie. So, you are supposed to do a sport-thing with your attire. Nate went as a surfer and wore a rash guard & sandals with his suit. I went as a 'runner'. I borrowed a marathon number from a friend of mine and got to wear sneakers!!! (Soooo much better than heels!)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Little Miss No Name

I went over and say LMNN a bit ago - She is just about the cutest thing!!! Here are a few more pics and a couple of vids. Any name suggestions -let us know (see post below) My personal fav is Caliana.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Just what we ordered......

The newest addition is finally here. Only 11 months (not counting the several months of attempts that didn't work with a different mare) our 'little black filly' joined us just after midnight today.

She doesn't have a name just yet - but has been lovingly called "Sassafrass" so far, as she has shown herself to be very inquisitive and friendly and sassy. Much to her first-time mothers dismay. (Although - for a first time mom - she has been very gracious in sharing her little girl with everyone.)

We believe that she will be black. So, we are taking suggestions on names. Most likely a name that will translate into Arabic well. We have thought about Midnight (Hannah's) as she will be black and was born just a few minutes after midnight. Another suggestion was Black Sabbath, again she will be black and was born on the Sabbath. I found the name Caliana (A Moorish Princess), and also variable spellings of Leila (Born at Night).

I will post some more pictures tomorrow when I have more time.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Innocence lost and found.

Yesterday, as Nate and I were out doing a little grocery shopping - we thought we would get a a book for Abe. The second in a series that he and Nate have been reading. We couldn't remember the author and really, the guy in the bookstore was clueless. So, reluctantly, we called Abe to ask him. Thinking this is it - the gig is up.

As soon as we walked in the door - "Did you get 'The Sea Monsters'?"

"No, they were out."

Disappointment, on both our parts.

Well, imaging our surprise to be woken-up this morning to Abe busting in the room "MOM! DAD! The Easter Bunny came! He got the book!!"

Amazement, on both our parts.