
Sunday, March 22, 2009

Weekend at Universal

We went to Universal Studios this weekend and had a blast!! Hannah (pre-ride photo) FINALLY went on the big coasters and The Incredible Hulk is now her favorite. She had a dream the other night that she fell off on one of the loops and landed on the concrete - but she was "okay", so I made her get back on (LOL!) She did not fall off today - and if she had, I really wouldn't have made her get back on.

We went back to the pool on Saturday afternoon and they have several games for the kids to play.

Abe, almost there! Red Light, Green Light

How many seconds did you beat Abe by in a scavenger hunt?

There is a Bocce Ball story - but will let the YellowBanana tell it!

And the one family photo in taken with an outstreched arm on the back of a rickshaw:

Friday, March 20, 2009

Various pics of painting

Here are a few pictures of all of the painting that we have been doing around the house. Nate and I have never really picked 'plain' colors when we paint. Our last master bedroom was painted 'School Bus Yellow' according to Larry!!! When we moved in here, we painted the walls "Gardinia" a creamy, off-white color. How we ended up with that, I really have no clue. I really wanted to repaint it - but that's a job and Nate always does the cutting in and there is A LOT of cutting in and I didn't think he would be up for it.

Well, several months ago he asked me what I thought about paiting downstairs and really putting some color on the walls. BOY OH BOY!! DO I!! Here's the living room:

And here is looking into the dining room:

Looking in to the kitchen (before the cabinets were painted):

And after they are painted:

and one last picture just to make your skin crawl - this is an 18gage needle:

We are out of town for the weekend - so I will break my streak!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

More fun than I wanted.....

Brace yourselves - two days in a row!!!!

So, Abe loves to fish. Has had some impressive catches the past several months in the small ponds around the golf course. Christmas day he cought a 22" large mouth.

Last night he asked his dad if they could go fishing around the golf course......

The first "Big One" got away - then some old lady came out of her house, "You can't fish here." Blah, Blah, Blah - wanted to tell her to get a life..... so we moved on.

Nate caught the first one, not the biggest that's been caught, but, hey it's a fish and it's fun....

The best/worst one goes to Abe (of course)..... that included a trip to the local E.R. tons of lidocane and an 18gage needle...
Not the best pic (I was lucky to get this one, someone didn't want pics taken)....but you get the idea. FYI the method of choice for removing a hook from from soft squishy parts - numb with lots of lidocane and then run an 18 gage needle down the shaft of the hook to cover the barb and slide it out. If you don't know, 18g needles are HUGE!!! Honestly - wish I didn't have anything to post today!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Okay, we're losers in the "Blog" world

So, we are awful about postings. It always seems like there is something going on and just one more thing is too much. Reeb's says that hers never take her more than 15 min - but well, I just don't see it -

I've been wanting a nice pic of the four of us for the header - and getting the four of us together to take it - where one of us isn't grimy from fishing, painting, etc. - well and then having someone around to take it just never seems to fall in place.

This pic is from our curise last Sept - and I finally got it scanned at work. Yay!! Got the pic I wanted - well - then when I posted it - it was HUGE - so after another half-hour or so - I finally messed around with it to get it to a resonable size.

Abe has started baseball and he seems pretty excited about that - (I never realized that practice would be so long) - once he starts his games, we will have to keep you updated (get off the floor and stop laughing) on how his season goes. Hannah is not doing too much except reading! She is engrossed in the Twilight saga and is pretty much ignoring the rest of us. (At least it's not boys).

We have been painting like mad and will get some pics taken and posted soon. Told Nate that is his job.

So, now I've posted something anyway - and will try to be better......(again, off the floor)